da Fonseca, Nelson L. S.; BOUTABA, R. (Org.) . Cloud Services, Networking, and management. 1. ed. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2015.
TORTONESI, M. (Org.) ; SCHONWALDER, J. (Org.) ; Madeira, E. (Org.) ; SCHMITT, C. (Org.) ; SERRAT, J. (Org.) . Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Network and Service Management - CNSM 2015. 1. ed. IEEExplore e IFIP DL, 2015. v. 1.
RAZ, D. (Org.) ; NOGUEIRA, M. (Org.) ; MADEIRA, E. R. M. (Org.) ; JENNINGS, B. (Org.) ; GRANVILLE, L. Z. (Org.) ; GASPARY, L. P. (Org.) . Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). 1. ed. IEEExplore, 2014. v. 1.
SCHULZE, B. (Org.) ; BITTENCOURT, L. F. (Org.) ; GOMES, D.G. (Org.) . XI Workshop e Computação em Clouds e Aplicações (WCGA). 31. ed. Porto Alegre: SBC, 2013. v. 1.
MADEIRA, E. R. M. ; DA FONSECA, N. L. S. . Piloting System. In: Duarte, Otto Carlos M. B. and Pujolle, Guy (eds.). (Org.). Virtual Networks Pluralistic Approach for the Next Generation of Internet. 1ed.London: John Wiley & Sons, 2013, v. 1, p. 163-216.
MADEIRA, E. R. M. (Org.) ; Fonseca, N. L. S. (Org.) ; GRANVILLE, L. Z. (Org.) ; BOTH, C. B. (Org.) . IEEE Latin America Conference on Cloud Computing and Communications (LatinCloud) 2012. 1. ed. IEEExplore, 2012.
SCHULZE, B. (Org.) ; TOLOSANA, R. (Org.) ; BITTENCOURT, L. F. (Org.) . Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Middleware for Grids, Clouds and e-Science. 1. ed. New York: ACM Press, 2012.
BITTENCOURT, L. F. (Org.) ; BORIN, J. F. (Org.) ; FIGUEIREDO, G. B. (Org.) ; DRUMMOND, A. C. (Org.) ; MELO, C. A. V. (Org.) ; DOS SANTOS, A. L. (Org.) ; DE ALMEIDA, J. M. (Org.) ; NETO, D. O .G. (Org.) . II Workshop de Redes de Acesso em Banda Larga (WRA). 30. ed. Porto Alegre: SBC, 2012. v. 1. 144p .
MADEIRA, E. R. M. (Org.) ; Stadler, R. (Org.) . IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium Workshop. IEEExplore, 2008.
Souza, J.N. (Org.) ; SCHULZE, B. R. (Org.) ; Sauvé, J.P. (Org.) ; MADEIRA, E. R. M. (Org.) ; Ziviani, A. (Org.) . Latin American Network Operations and Management Symposium - LANOMS 2007. IEEE Press, 2007. v. 1. 125 p.
Magedanz, T. ; MADEIRA, E. R. M. ; Dini, P. . Operations and Management in IP-Based Networks. Berlim: Springer-Verlag, 2005. v. 1. 218 p.
KARMOUCH, Ahmed ; KORBA, Larry ; MADEIRA, E. R. M. . Mobility Aware Technologies and Applications. Berlim: Springer, 2004. v. 65. 382 p.
MADEIRA, E. R. M. ; DUARTE JÚNIOR, Elias Procópio . The Third IEEE Latin American Network Operations and Management Symposium Proceedings. , 2003. v. 150. 220 p.
FONSECA, N. L. S. . Uma Introdução a Arquitetura de Redes ATM e aos Seus Mecanismos de Controle de Tráfego. , 1995. v. 1. 35 p.
Book chapter published
Bittencourt, Luiz F.; Madeira, Edmundo R. M. ; DA FONSECA, NELSON L. S. . Resource Management and Scheduling. In: Raouf Boutaba; Nelson L. S. Fonseca. (Org.). Cloud Services, Networking, and Management. 1ed.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2015, v. , p. 243-267.
BOUTABA, R. ; da Fonseca, Nelson L. S. . Cloud Architectures, Networks, Services and Management. In: Nelson L. S. da Fonseca and Raouf Boutaba. (Org.). Cloud Services, Networking and Management. 1ed.Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2015, v. , p. 3-22.
KLIAZOVICH, D. ; BOUVRY, P. ; GRANELLI, F. ; da Fonseca, Nelson L. S. . Energy Consumption Optimization in Cloud Data centers. In: Nelson L. S. da Fonseca and Raouf Boutaba. (Org.). Cloud Services, Networking and Management. 1ed.Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2015, v. , p. 193-216.
MADEIRA, E. R. M. ; PUJOLLE, G. . Synthèse des techniques de contrôle tenant compte du contexte. In: Otto Carlos Duarte; Guy Pujolle. (Org.). Réseaux virtuels. 1ed.France: Hermes Science Publications, 2014, v. 1, p. 126-161.
GRANELLI, FABRIZIO ; HOLLAND, O. ; da Fonseca, Nelson L. S. . Cognition as a Tool for Green Next Generation Networks. In: Di Benedetto, Maria-Gabriella, Bader, Faouzi. (Org.). Cognitive Communication and Cooperative HetNet Coexistence. 1ed.Berlin: Springer, 2014, v. , p. 317-342.
MADEIRA, E. ; da Fonseca, Nelson L. S. . Système de Pilotage. In: Otto Carlos Duarte e Guy Pujolle. (Org.). Réseaux virtuels. 1ed.Paris: Hermes Science Publications, 2014, v. , p. 180-234.
KLIAZOVICH, D.; GRANELLI, F.; FONSECA, N. L. S.; BOUVRY, P.; "Architectures and Information Signaling Techniques for Cognitive Networks", "Evolution of Cognitive Networks and Self-Adaptive Communication Systems", 01/2013, ed. 1, Hershey, pp. 15, pp.286-300, 2013.
BITTENCOURT, L. F.; MADEIRA, E. R. M.; FONSECA, N. L. S.; "Communication Aspects of Resource Management in Hybrid Clouds", "Communication Infrastructures for Cloud Computing", 01/2013, ed. 1, IGI Global, pp. 25, pp.409-433, 2013
MADEIRA, E. R. M.; FONSECA, N. L. S.; "Piloting System", "Virtual Networks: Pluralistic Approach for the Next Generation of Internet", 01/2013, ed. 1, Wiley, Vol. 1, pp. 54, pp.163-216, 2013
MADEIRA, E. R. M.; PUJOLLE, G.; "State of the Art in Context-Aware Technologies", "Virtual Networks: Pluralistic Approach for the Next Generation of Internet", 01/2013, ed. 1, Wiley, Vol. 1, pp. 36, pp.109-144, 2013
Leonardo R. Bays, Rodrigo R. Oliveira, Luciano P. Gaspary, Marinho P. Barcellos, MADEIRA, E. R. M., FONSECA, N. L. S. Segurança de Redes Virtuais: Fundamentos, Tecnologias e Tendências In: SBRC 2012 Minicursos Livro Texto ed.Porto Alegre : SBC, 2012, p. 59-93
BORIN, J. F. ; da Fonseca, N.L.S. . Admission Control and Scheduling for QoS provisioning in WiMAX Networks. In: Sasan Adibi; Raj Jain, Tom Tofigh, Shyam Parekh. (Org.). QoS Architecture for Wireless Networks: Performance Metrics and Management. Hershey: IGI, 2010, v. , p. 183-202.
KLIAZOVICH, D. ; GRANELLI, F. ; da Fonseca, N.L.S. . Cooperative Inter-node and Inter-layer Optimization of Network Protocols (in press). In: M. S. Obaidat and S. Misra. (Org.). Cooperative Networking. 15 ed. New York: Willey, 2010, v. , p. -1.
KLIAZOVICH, D. ; GRANELLI, F. ; FONSECA, N. L. S. . Architectures and Cross-Layer Design for Cognitive Networks. In: Yang Xiao and Hui Chen. (Org.). Handbook on Sensor Networks. : Idea, 2009, v. , p. -.
MANZATO, D. A. G. ; FONSECA, N. L. S. . Incentive Mechanisms for Cooperation in Peer-to-Peer Networks. In: Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, Heather Yu, John Buford and Mursalin Akon. (Org.). Handbook of Peer-to-Peer Networking. New York: Springer, 2009, v. , p. 631-659.
BATISTA, D. M. ; da Fonseca, N.L.S. . Self-Adjustment for Service Provisioning in Grids. In: Nick Antopoulos, George Exarchakos, Maozhen Li and Antonio Liotta. (Org.). Handbook of Research on P2P and Grid Systems for Service-Oriented Computing: Models, Methodologies and Applications. Hershey: IGI, 2009, v. 1, p. 495-518.
BORIN, J. F. ; da Fonseca, N.L.S. . Admission Control and Scheduling for QoS provisioning in WiMAX Networks. In: Sasan Adibi; Raj Jain, Tom Tofigh, Shyam Parekh. (Org.). QoS Architecture for Wireless Networks: Performance Metrics and Management. Hershey: IGI, 2009, v. , p. 1-20.
LIMA, M. M. A. E. ; FONSECA, N. L. S. . Active Queue Management. In: Mario Freire e Manuela Pereira. (Org.). Encyclopedia of Internet Technologies And Applications. Hershey PA 17033: Idea Group Inc, 2007, v. , p. 1-6.
FONSECA, N. L. S. ; MICHEL, N. F. . TCP for High Speed Networks (in press). In: Mario Freire e Manuela Pereira. (Org.). Encyclopedia of Internet Technologies And Applications. Hershey PA 17033: Idea Group Inc, 2007, v. , p. 626-632.
GRANELLI, F. ; KLIAZOVICH, D. ; FONSECA, N. L. S. . Performance Limitations of IEEE 802.11 Networks and Potential Enhancements. In: Yang Xiao; Yi Pan. (Org.). Wireless LANs and Bluetooth. Hauppauge: Nova Press, 2006, v. 4, p. 51-76.
FONSECA, N. L. S. . Bandwidth Reduction Techniques for Video Services. In: J. Proakisjg. (Org.). Wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications. : , 2003, v. 1, p. 232-237.
FONSECA, N. L. S. ; DEVETSIKIOTIS, M . Network Traffice Modeling. In: J. Proakisjg. (Org.). Wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications. : , 2003, v. 3, p. 1666-1675.
FONSECA, N. L. S. . Controle de Tráfego Internet. In: J. Rezende, L. Pirmez, L.F.R. da Costa Carmo. (Org.). Texto dos Mini-Cursos SBRC. : , 2002, v. , p. 187-249.
REZENDE, J. F. ; LIMA, M. M. A. E. ; FONSECA, N. L. S. . Mobility over Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). In: Mohammad Ilyas. (Org.). Handbook of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. : CRC Press, 2002, v. , p. 19-1-19-15.
FONSECA, N. L. S. ; FACANHA, R. . Piggybacking Policy for Reducing the Bandwidth Demand of Video Servers. In: J.N. de Souza e R. Boutaba. (Org.). Managing QoS in Multimedia Networks and Services. : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, v. , p. 225-236.
COHEN, R. ; FONSECA, N. L. S. ; ZUKERMAN, M. . Traffic Management And Network Dimensioning. In: M. Tatipamula; B. Kasnabish. (Org.). Multimedia Communications Networks: Technologies and Services. : Artech House, 1998, v. , p. -.
MADEIRA, E. ; FONSECA, N. L. S. . Software Architectures For Multimedia Communications And Management. In: M. Tatipamula; B. Kasnabish. (Org.). Multimedia Communications Networks: Technologies and Services. : Artech House, 1998, v. , p. 495-537.
JOHN, A. ; FONSECA, N. L. S. ; NELSON, L. S. S. ; WANG, F. S. . D-Bmap Models For The Performance Analysis Of Atm Networks. In: J. Proakisjg. (Org.). Performance Modeling of ATM Networks. : Chapman and Hall, 1995, v. , p. 325-346.