As redes sem fio trazem enormes vantagens aos seus usuários, como a facilidade de instalação e a mobilidade dos seus nós, permitindo assim a ubiqüidade do acesso à informação. No entanto, estas redes ainda apresentam uma série de limitações, impondo grandes restrições às aplicações que as utilizam. Neste projeto, vários destes problemas serão estudados, para os quais serão buscadas soluções simples, eficientes e escaláveis.
Sponsor: CNPq
As redes sem fio trazem enormes vantagens aos seus usuários, como a facilidade de instalação e a mobilidade dos seus nós, permitindo assim a ubiqüidade do acesso à informação. No entanto, estas redes ainda apresentam uma série de limitações, impondo grandes restrições às aplicações que as utilizam. Neste projeto, vários destes problemas serão estudados, para os quais serão buscadas soluções simples, eficientes e escaláveis.
Sponsor: CISCO University Research Project
This project developed mechanisms for the support of QoS for both infrastructured and ad hoc networks. Novel admission control and routing mechanisms for theses networks were derived. Periodic broadcast protocols for video and a plataform for interactive TV were developed. Algorithms for MPLS networks were conceived.
Sponsor: CNPq
This project investigated the provisioning of Quality of Service to High Speed Networks. Several mechanisms for the DiffServ IETF architecture were proposed. Moreover, the support of QoS in middleware technologies were also investigated. Novel multicast protocols and QoS support for virtual labs were also derived.
Sponsor: CNPq
This project explored the mobility paradigm in monitoring management of open distributed systems. A pool of monitoring mobile agents was defined to explore the managed environment based on a successive approach to potential problems. The implementation was performed using an open distributed environment based on CORBA objects. The use of mobile agents adds flexibility to the management task and the merging with static agents enables the scalability of the monitoring management.
This project aims at developing technology for WDM networks, video delivery techniques for this networks as well security technology. The provisioning of end-to-end QoS, the support of Grid applications and the use of GMPLS in this networks are also topics of interest.
Sponsor: RNP/Giga
This project aims at establishing a laboratory for the testbed of the project TIDIA. Research is conducted on Internet over optical networks. The Optical Internet Laboratory (OIL) is a multi-institutional multidisciplinary group of researchers from the Institute of Computing (IC) and from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (FEEC) of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), the Brazilian Telecommunications Research and Development Center (CPqD), and the State University of São Paulo (UNESP). OIL research is on the "Transport Layer" of TIDIA/KyaTera project.
Sponsor: Fapesp
This project aims at developing plataform for real time applications in order to enable remote access to robots in virtual labs, so that remote educational and research activities can be carried out.
Sponsor: RNP/Giga
This project intends to develop middleware services for: submission of tasks, scheduling, dynamic occupation monitoring, naming and security. For applications, this project will develop services for: data integrity, orchestration and automatic translation of applications to the execution in the grid.
Sponsor: RNP/Giga
Núcleo de Excelência em Conectividade Óptica.
Sponsor: PRONEX/Fapesp
Modelagem, Dimensionamento e Análise de Desempenho da Rede de Chaveamento de Pacotes Ópticos.
Sponsor: CPqD